Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Why You Need Legal Representation for Title IX and Campus Discipline Cases

criminal defense attorney Ann Arbor

The process of handling Title IX and campus discipline cases can be less formal than traditional criminal cases, and universities may not always have the necessary legal safeguards to ensure fair outcomes. As a result, it's crucial to have an experienced
criminal defense attorney to protect your rights.


Common Campus Crimes and Discipline Issues


Criminal charges and discipline violations are common on college campuses. Some of the most prevalent offenses include:

  • Substance abuse offenses
  • Sexual misconduct and violence
  • Property damage and violence
  • Theft, vandalism, and disorderly conduct


Why Choose Geherin Law Group, PLLC?


We understand the challenges that students and employees face when accused of violating university policies. Our law firm has a deep connection to local universities and extensive experience in defending clients in both criminal and Title IX matters. Call today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case and help you understand your legal options today.


Listen to our latest podcast the Michigan Justice Chronicles here.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Navigating Title IX and College Discipline Cases in Michigan

criminal defense attorney Ann Arbor
Title IX and university discipline cases can be complex and overwhelming, especially for students facing serious consequences. With major universities like the University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University, and Michigan State University nearby, understanding the issues surrounding Title IX violations, campus crime, and student discipline is crucial. 

How Title IX Relates to College Discipline Cases


Title IX is a federal law that mandates gender equality in educational programs and activities, including protection against sexual harassment, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence. Universities must comply with Title IX guidelines to ensure a safe and equitable campus environment. Violations of Title IX can lead to serious consequences, including suspension, expulsion, or loss of employment.


The Title IX Investigation Process


When a Title IX complaint is filed, the university is required to investigate the alleged misconduct. This process typically involves interviews with the alleged victim, the accused party, and any witnesses. If the university finds that a violation occurred, it can impose a range of sanctions.


Title IX vs. University Discipline Cases


In addition to Title IX violations, universities have their own codes of conduct and disciplinary procedures. These can address issues like harassment, assault, or violations of campus rules. University discipline cases don't necessarily involve gender-based misconduct, but violations can still lead to serious consequences.


The Intersection of Title IX and Criminal Cases


Many Title IX cases, especially those involving allegations of sexual assault or violence, are also criminal in nature. This can create significant challenges, as statements made in a Title IX investigation may later be used in criminal proceedings.


Schedule Your Free Consultation with Criminal Defense Attorney, Dan Geherin Today 

If you or someone you know is facing a Title IX investigation, campus discipline case, or criminal charges related to college life, contact Geherin Law Group, PLLC to talk to a criminal defense attorney in Michigan about your rights.


Listen to our latest podcast the Michigan Justice Chronicles here.

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