Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Criminal Defense Attorney, Dan Geherin Discusses Memorable Juvenile Cases


Washtenaw County Criminal Defense

“I often recall an early case that stands out vividly in my memory. As a young attorney, I was hired by the parents of an 8-year-old girl who was facing criminal charges. Just the sight of her—barely three feet tall and maybe 100 pounds soaking wet—was striking. It was a surreal experience to represent someone so young. The case was deeply unsettling, but ultimately, we had it dismissed due to her age and other factors. It's a case that always reminds me of the potential overreach of the legal system and the lasting impact it can have on a child's life. I can only imagine how that young girl, scared out of her mind, will remember that day.

Over the years, I've represented juveniles involved in various situations. Some were caught up as getaway drivers for older relatives or fell into trouble due to bad influences. Others faced serious charges that we fought hard to keep out of adult court, with some success. While some cases remain under the public radar, they still significantly impact the juvenile justice system.

Interestingly, I've found that most of the juveniles I've represented over 25 years never reappear in the system. This is a positive sign, indicating that the system, for the most part, is successfully rehabilitating these young clients. Unlike many repeat offenders in the adult system, it's rare for me to see these juvenile clients again, which suggests that the interventions and rehabilitative efforts are making a difference.”

Contact Geherin Law Group for Washtenaw County Criminal Defense


If you’re being investigated or charged with a criminal case in Washtenaw County, and want a firm with 25+ years of targeted Washtenaw County experience, please contact Dan and his firm at GLG Michigan immediately.  We’re available 24/7, and we’ll help put you at ease, form a plan to handle your case, and fight aggressively to restore your reputation and protect your freedom.  Schedule your consultation online here, or call 24/7 (734) 263-2780. We’re acutely committed to providing personal attention, personal options, and personal justice to every single client we represent.  


GLG Michigan:  To Us, Washtenaw County Criminal Defense is Personal.    


Listen to our latest podcast the Michigan Justice Chronicles here.

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Criminal Defense Attorney, Dan Geherin Discusses Memorable Juvenile Cases

  “I often recall an early case that stands out vividly in my memory. As a young attorney, I was hired by the parents of an 8-year-old girl ...