Saturday, June 22, 2024

Criminal Charges and Criminal Defense in Michigan

Criminal Defense Attorney Michigan

The State of Michigan is quick to bring charges for violent crimes, and countering with your strongest defense is key. While your
defense strategy will be specific to the circumstances that make up your case, many fall into categories like the following:


      You’re, in fact, innocent.

      You have a foolproof alibi.

      You were acting in self-defense.  

      You were entrapped by the authorities. 

      Your constitutional rights were violated. 

      You’re guilty only of the lesser charge involved.


If you’re facing a charge related to a violent crime, your defense strategy is critical, and having a formidable violent crimes attorney in your corner can make all the difference.  


Learn more about what’s considered a violent crime in Michigan here.


Consult an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Michigan Today

If you’re looking for a criminal defense attorney in Michigan with extensive and specialized experience following an arrest, please consider calling the Ann-Arbor based practice of GLG Michigan.  (734) 263-2780

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Criminal Charges and Criminal Defense in Michigan

The State of Michigan is quick to bring charges for violent crimes, and countering with your strongest defense is key. While your defense st...