Friday, October 21, 2022

Have You Been Affected By the Compromised Marijuana Testing? Geherin Law Group Can Help You!

criminal defense attorney Washtenaw County

MSP recently dropped a major bombshell on the criminal justice community: They revealed that their chemical blood testing analysis for THC was badly compromised between March 2019 and August 2022.

Obviously, Michigan prosecutors and police may resist efforts to vacate convictions. They might argue that other evidence supports the conviction (i.e., poor driving, failures on Standardized Field Sobriety Tests).  However, judges may be less than sympathetic to these arguments knowing the police lab analysis was faulty and was prone to false positives. Finding a skilled, successful OWI Defense Attorney to fight for their rights certainly might be the difference between a clean record and the status quo. This is especially pronounced for people who suffered a loss of license, or loss of freedom, due to an OWI Marijuana conviction during this time period.    

Geherin Law Group specializes in OWI/DUI defense in Southeastern Michigan, and would be happy to review your case and see what relief might be available.

Learn more about the compromised marijuana testing in OWI/DUI cases here.

If you or a loved one want to talk about your options after a OWI/Marijuana arrest between 2019-2022, contact us. Dan Geherin is a criminal attorney in Washtenaw County serving clients in Ann Arbor and throughout Southeast Michigan and can be reached at (734) 263-2780.

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