Thursday, July 22, 2021

Can the police obtain my private medical or hospital records following an OWI arrest?

drunk driving attorney Ann Arbor

Those who are involved in OWI accidents face heightened sanctions, and often have many questions and fears related to their arrest and privacy rights:

  • “Are the police allowed to access my hospital or medical records?”
  • “Don’t the police need a warrant to access those records?”
  • “Aren’t my medical records private?"
  • “Can these results be used as evidence against me?”

Learn more here!

If you or a loved one has been arrested for a drunk driving offense that caused an accident, you’ll almost certainly find yourself in need of legal help. If you believe that your private medical records or a blood test may contain evidence against you or are wondering if there has been an improper disclosure of these medical records, then you should contact a drunk driving attorney in Ann Arbor as soon as possible. Contact GLG Michigan 24/7 at (734) 263-2780 or online

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Find Out How New Expungement Laws Will Affect You

criminal defense attorney Ann Arbor

New expungement laws change the waiting periods to set aside a conviction. If an individual is setting aside more than one felony, the waiting period is now seven years after sentencing, completion of a term of probation, discharge from parole, or completion of any term of imprisonment. The waiting period to set aside one felony or one or more serious misdemeanors is five years after your conviction. For minor misdemeanors, the waiting period is three years.

This set of laws is being phased in over time. Within a couple years, certain convictions will be automatically expunged without an individual needing to apply for expungement.

To learn how we can help expunge or set aside a conviction, please call us to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation at (734) 263-2780, or click here to contact us now.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

What You Need to Know About Drunk Driving Arrests

drunk driving attorney Ann Arbor

For many people, a drunk driving arrest occurs after they’re pulled over for a “routine” traffic offense like speeding or weaving. Others, regrettably, might be involved in a traffic accident after drinking alcohol. For these people, the consequences are often more severe—especially if other cars or pedestrians are involved, or if someone is badly injured or killed.
  Learn more here!

Those who are involved in OWI accidents face heightened sanctions, and often have many questions and fears related to their arrest. Get the answers to your questions by contacting Dan Geherin, a drunk driving attorney in Ann Arbor and his team at GLG Michigan are available 24/7 at (734) 263-2780 or online

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Am I Eligible to Expunge My Michigan Conviction?

Criminal Defense Attorney Ann Arbor

In April, Michigan’s new Clean Slate laws took effect, which expanded the number and type of offenses that can be expunged. This means under certain circumstances, an individual may have prior convictions “expunged” or “set aside,” so these records aren’t accessible by the public. 

Under these laws, multiple offenses that occurred within the same transaction can now be consolidated as a single offense for expungement, an individual can have 3 felonies and an unlimited number of non-assaultive misdemeanors expunged. An individual may also apply if they have outstanding restitution. 

Learn more here!

To learn how our criminal defense attorney in Ann Arbor can help expunge or set aside a conviction, please call us to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation at (734) 263-2780, or click here to contact us now.

Domestic Violence and PPOs: More Than Just Family Law

Many people mistakenly believe domestic violence and Personal Protection Orders (PPOs) fall solely under family law. While these issues ofte...