Saturday, May 15, 2021

Do You Qualify For an Expungement?

Expungement Ann Arbor

In 2020, after years of lobbying by criminal defense attorneys like Dan, Michigan passed a series of “clean-slate” initiatives which expanded the eligibility for people to seek expungement of their criminal convictions, and in many cases, shortened the waiting period to apply.  It also called for a more streamlined process, and in some cases, even allowed for automatic expungement without a hearing.  Learn more here!

To learn how we can help expunge or set aside a conviction, please call us to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation at (734) 263-2780, or click here to contact us now.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Want a Second Chance? GLG Can Help You Get Your Criminal Record Expunged.

expungement Ann Arbor

The consequences of a criminal conviction can be both long-lasting and life-altering:  Loss of employment or inability to find a job; financial ruin; family/custody/relationship upheaval; and—of course--loss of freedom.  So, for people who have been convicted of misdemeanor and felony offenses, there exists an obvious need to remove that stain once they’ve paid their debt to society.  

The process of removing, or setting aside, a conviction is called an “Expungement.”  This process typically requires some action on the part of the person seeking removal, and often is too confusing, intimidating and restrictive for people to try on their own. 

Attorney Daniel T. Geherin is a former prosecutor and board-certified criminal trial attorney who has been practicing criminal law for 23+ years. Dan fully believes that everyone should be given a second chance, so he works tirelessly and aggressively to help people expunge their convictions and obtain the “clean slate” that the expungement laws were intended to promote.  

To learn how we can help expunge or set aside a conviction, please call us to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation at (734) 263-2780, or click here to contact us now.

Domestic Violence and PPOs: More Than Just Family Law

Many people mistakenly believe domestic violence and Personal Protection Orders (PPOs) fall solely under family law. While these issues ofte...