Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Charged with a CSC? - Felony Defense Attorney

In Michigan, sex offense allegations are generally grouped under the category of “Criminal Sexual Conduct”—known commonly by the acronym, “CSC.” These charges range from date-rape allegations on school campuses, to improper workplace relationships, to molestation. Being charged with a CSC of any type requires a strong, zealous defense to either exonerate the improperly accused or minimize the potential sentence exposure.

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Geherin Law Group

Experienced felony Defense Attorney in Ann Arbor, MI

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Criminal Sexual Conduct Charges Requires an Experienced Felony Defense Attorney

CSC charges are formally brought by the State Prosecutor, not by the individual complainant/alleged victim. However, these charges are occasionally levied by a disgruntled/jealous/regretful partner, or by an angry spouse aiming to get advantage in a divorce/custody fight. Likewise, people are often charged despite no physical evidence at all, and only upon the word of the complainant. Under Michigan law, the complainant’s testimony need not be corroborated for a CSC conviction, so it’s often important for a person to try to “prove his or her innocence,” which is completely abhorrent to our criminal justice system.

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Geherin Law Group

Experienced Felony Defense Attorney in Ann Arbor

Domestic Violence and PPOs: More Than Just Family Law

Many people mistakenly believe domestic violence and Personal Protection Orders (PPOs) fall solely under family law. While these issues ofte...